OBJECTIVE:- The Two Years Distance Learning Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree is being conducted by the UGC Approved University.The course has been designed to meet the demand of the growing needs of experts in the fields of human resource development, marketing, finance, production and operations, international business, retail management, information technology and systems, insurance, intellectual property rights, green business and technology management, disaster management, environmental management etc.
ELIGIBILITY:- Graduates in any discipline.
AWARD:- Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree will be awarded to all of the successful candidates by University.
1. MBA (Human Resource Management)
2. MBA (Marketing Management)
3. MBA (Financial Management)
4. MBA (Information Technology & Systems)
5. MBA (Environmental Management)
6. MBA (NGO Management)
7. MBA (Entrepreneurship Development)
8. MBA (Biotechnology)
9. MBA (Nanotechnology)
10. MBA (Bioinformatics)
First Year
Principles Of Management
Human Resource Management
Principles Of Economics
Financial Management
Accounting & Financial Analysis
Business Law
Organizational Behaviour
Operations Research
Research Methodology
Marketing Management
Business Communication
Computer Fundamental
Production & Operation Management
Business Statistics
Second Year:
Supply Chain Management
Management Information System
Strategic Management
Entrepreneurship Development
Project Management
Consumer Behaviour &Advertising Management
Corporate Governance, Values & Ethics
Specialization 1 Subject 1
Specialization 1 Subject 2
Specialization 2 subject 1
Specialization 2 Subject 2